Rod Morris was born on June 27, 1947 (his Mother's birthday), and raised in a highly creative, high-energy family in Kittanning, Pennsylvania. From the time he could hold a pencil, he was scribbling on something - in between the baseball, the football, the basketball and the music lessons. Although he would never be a star athlete, he became a competent trumpet player; and later in life, a passionate guitar player - although not a performing one. Early on, Hot Rod Art was the focus of all that scribbling. Ed "Big Daddy" Roth was so influential in those days; as were the Beach Boys and of course; Surfer Joe, Surf Boards and Woodies. Eventually, the hot rods and surfboards gave way to a different kind of focus — abstractions, pure abstracts and abstracted thinking. The search for his "Creative Voice" in abstract was on.
Step inside at and take a look at his work… and enjoy. For more information about the artist, to commission original pieces, or simply stop by his studio space her at The Manos Gallery.